In this tutorial, we explore the utility of linked lists for making a series of API requests who data can then be persisted via CoreData models. We start by building a wrapper struct for all the data required to build the API request, then we develop an API client class built on top of the NSURLSession class for connecting to the API. In addition, we define classes for nodes and linked list that will allow us to make multiple API requests in succession. For documentation about the REST API endpoints, please visit the website here.
Learn how to use linked lists to download JSON data from a REST API and populate a CoreData persistent store.
Start TutorialIn this tutorial, we explore the utility of using cached download tasks in tandem with session-level and task-level delegate methods defined for the NSURLSession and its related classes. The implementation demonstrated here provides an alternative to the linked list approach shown above.
Learn how to build an API client whose downloaded JSON data is persisted vis CoreData.
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