Letter Buster

App Information

It's raining letters! The meteorologists have never been more bewildered by a weather phenomenon such as this - English letters falling from the sky. Sharpen your English spelling prowess and your reaction time with this fast-paced mini-game that requires you to shoot letter cubes emerging from dark clouds against various sky backdrops. The ultimate test of letter identification, it will help you to spell words varying in length depending on difficulty level. But be careful, if you spell the words wrong or if too many letters fill the night sky, your dreams of winning the next spelling bee may come to an end.

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How to Play
Each level requires that you "spell" a target word, which is listed in the HUD display at the top of the screen. You must tap letters in the order in which they appear in the target word. If the wrong letter is tapped, you will lose a life. Life count is indicated by a heart icon in the HUD display. If the number of nodes on screen exceeds the spawn limit corresponding to the selected difficulty level, you will likewise be considered as having lost the game and will be prompted to eithe restart to return to the main menu.
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Adjusting Difficulty Levels
Select "Difficulty Level" from the Preamble menu, then select the cube corresponding to the desired difficulty level. More difficult levels will require you to spell longer words, with correspondingly higher spawn limit. Easy level usually only require that you spell 3-letter words.
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Advancing to the Next Level
In order to advance to the next level, spell the target word for the level. Once the target word for a given level is spelled completely, you will be prompted to continue to the next level or return to the main menu. Letters must be exploded in the exact order in which the word is spelled.

Developer FAQs

How are letters spawned?

A spawn point is represented by an enum type with associated values. The enum cases include LeftOScreen, RightOfScreen, AboveScreen, BelowScreen, BehindScreen, and BehindCloud cases. Each enum case has an associated value, which is [SCNVector3] type for the BehindCloud case and a single SCNVector3 for the other cases. The position of the camera is provided as parameter for the associated SCNVector3 for the off-screen enum cases, while the array of randomly generated spawn points is passed in as the paramters for the CloudSpawnPoints case. This allows spawn points to be created dynamically based on the current position of the camera, in the case of off-screen points, or behind the randomly located cloud, in the BehindCloud case. See the Swift tutorials seciton for a more detailed discussion of this topic.

Swift tutorials: Enums and Associated Values
How are letter cubes generated?

Letter cubes are generated via a helper classe with two nested enum types, one for defining the specific letter (i.e. 'A','B','C',etc.) and the other for the letter style (i.e. metallic, wood, blue, yellow, etc.). Each nested enum type has String rawValue, which allows for the rawValues of the combined enums to be used to construct a string for the filepath corresponding to the diffuse texture map for that particular letter cube. See the section on the enums and raw values for a more detailed discussion of this topic.

iOS Swift Tutorials: Enums and raw values
How is difficulty level updated dynamically?

Difficulty is varied in terms of the allowed spawn limit for each level, where switch statements that switch on a specificed integer range corresponding to game levels is used to determine the spawn limit for any level falling within that range. "Where" clauses are used to provide spawn limits that vary based on the user-selected difficulty rating for the game. See the section on Enums and "where" clauses for more detailed information on this topic.

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Swift Tutorials

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